Thank you Edward Snowden

Thank you Edward Snowden. Believe it or not, he performed a huge service for each and every one of us.

What he has done is open the table to allow the discussion of government surveillance on a scale that has never been seen before.  Which is good, because as the next presidential election year approaches, we will have an opportunity to make the change to this unconstitutional data dragnet.

I also want to thank the media outlets, mostly outside of the United States, for not being afraid to release the information that Edward has provided.  It is very interesting, that here in the States, the only time I see these releases (“Leaks”, as the US national media has coined it) become major headlines is on the weekends.  Which is interesting as I feel that this is done purposely.  They know less viewers are checking up on the news on the weekends.  Less exposure.

I don’t understand why this isn’t headline news!  I was floored when I first heard about this.  Am I the only one?

Be on the look out for links pointing to more specific information regarding the releases made my Edward.

Edward Snowden

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