Abuse of Power

I know I am jumping ahead of myself but I wanted to get this out there.  There has already been several reports of abuse from the NSA regarding all the data it is illegally obtaining.  One of which is how employees at the NSA are using the data to check up on their love ones.  Please see source:


This isn’t the first incident and it will not be the last.  When someone or a government has this type of information, they will use it for purposes other than what it is intended for.

I’ve read somewhere incidences where information, other than “terrorist” intelligence, is given to other governmental agencies for domestic sting operations or simply knowing where to be at the right time.  In this same article, it was describe that the agency had to make up a reason why they were at a location at a certain time, by accident.

I will post this article soon.

Watch your back!

Also, please comment on these articles.  I would really like to hear your opinions.

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